ARM Data Processing Instructions

  • Data Processing Instructions

    • manipulate data within registers

      • i.e. MOV, ADD, OR, CMP, MUL, etc.

    • typically able to process one of the operands using barrel-shifter

    • if the 'S' suffix is used on a data processing instruction, it updates the flags in the cpsr.

    • syntax: {}{S} Rd, N

    • Example Let: r5 = 5 r7 = 8

        MOV r7, r5

      AFTER: r5 = 5 r7 = 5

Barrel Shifter - Remember the Syntax: {}{S} Rd, N

- Given the syntax above, N can be a register Rm that has been preprocessed by the barrel shifter prior to beng used by a data processing instruction

- DP instructions are processed within the ALU
    - ARM can shift the 32-bit binary pattrn in one of the source registers left or right by a specific number of positions before it enters the ALU
        - this increases the flexibility and power of many data processing operations
        - Some instructions like MUL, CLZ (count leading zeros), and QADD (32-bit add) do not use the barrel shift.
    - this allows for fast multiplies or division by power of 2
    - Barrel shifter operations: 
        - LSL logical shift left
        - LSR logical shift right
        - ASR arithmetic shift right
        - ROR rotate right
        - RRX rotate right extended

- Example (note: LSL logical shift left)
        r5 = 5
        r7 = 8

        MOV r7, r5, LSL #2 
        r5 = 5
        r7 = 20

    // left shift 1 bit is the same as multiplying by 2.  r5 << 2 is like r5 * 4

    - Barrel shift operations syntax for DP instructions

        - Immediate
        - Register
        - Logical Shift left by immediate
            Rm, LSL #shift_imm
        - Logical shift left by register
            Rm, LSL Rs
        *** repeated for other barrel shifter options ***

    - Example:

        cpsr = nzcvqiFt_USER
        r0 = 0x00000000
        r1 = 0x80000004

        MOVS r0, r1, LSL #1

        cpsr = nzCvqiFt_USER
        r0 = 0x00000000
        r1 = 0x80000004

        MOVS r1 into r0, but first the barrel shifter will left shift by 1 (multiply the current value in r1 by 2)

                - the suffix 'S' changes the cpsr, for the instruction MOV, the condition that would be changed is C or Carry.