ARM CSPR (Instructions)
Program Status Register Instructions
MRS instruction transfers the contents of either cpsr or spsr into a register
Can also transfer in the reverse direction MSR
Allows read/write of cpsr and spsr
syntax includes 'fields' which can be a combination of control (c), extension (x), status (s), and flags (f)
PSR byte regions
Control [0:7] bits 0 to 7
mode [0:4]
T (THUMB ISA) bit 5
F (FIQ Interrupts) bit 6
I (IRQ Interrupts) bit 7
V bit 28
C bit 29
Z bit 30
N bit 31
MRS{} Rd, <cpsr|spsr> MSR{} <cpsr|spsr>, Rm MSR{} <cpsr|spsr>, #immediate
Before: cpsr = nzcvqIFt_SVC
MRS r1, cpsr BIC r1, r1, #0x80 MSR cpsr_c, r1
Copies the cpsr register to r1
BIC instruction clears bit 7 of r1
Copies r1 back to cpsr
** bit 7 is the IRQ, clearing it unmasks IRQ interrupts **
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